Sunday, July 16, 2017

Social Media, Social NEEDY-a

So! Let's just get right down to the nitty gritty. Social media is a hot topic at my house. It's been a bit of a battle between my parents and I, trying to determine time limits as well as boundaries. 
I've slowly been realizing the wisdom of my is what happens to most children as they find out that, in fact, their parents actually do have some common sense and more experience than you, and surprisingly love you and want what's best for you. Who knew, right? It's been starting to register in my little brain why they are so concerned. (But Mom, don't get too excited haha!) I'm not choosing to talk about this and be better because my parents want me to. Nooo sir. I'm deciding these things for myself.
First of all, Social media is a great invention.  It's a great way to interact and connect with people and friends that you may have all over the world. BUT! The fact is, it's easy to get sucked into this virtual reality where the world is perfect and everyone's lives are happy. 
Sometimes it seems everyone is doing something grand and exciting. Everyone except you, that is.  (When I say "you" I'm really talking about me, because I'm speaking from personal experience!) You post the highlights of your day, trying to compete with the facade of a flawless life. You feel like you need that validation through others and your sense of self worth starts to be built on the rocky foundation of "likes on a post." Or "followers" on your account.  Social media turns into Social Needy-a (Ooo, see what I did there? Lol). But while we are living in this made up world, in which anyone can be "a friend," we are missing reality and waving at precious real life moments as they pass by. We are passing up opportunities to make real friendships and form real bonds. 
Some may wonder:  Why would I  want to live in reality? I would rather escape this darkened world and distract myself from my problems and responsibilities. Real life sucks- let's run off to the online realm where people actually "like" what I do. 
But that life is fake.  And real life has so much to offer. 
Facing reality can be tough... I'll be honest, sometimes I just want to escape and watch YouTube all day. The truth is that there is no escape. I've never found lasting peace in social media. Maybe momentary pleasure, but that later leads only to a feeling of emptiness and loss. A feeling of sadness for all the opportunities I've missed. The only lasting peace I've ever found is in my Savior Jesus Christ. I am so weak, and so selfish, and so prideful, but I know that I can have complete confidence in Him. 
I want to be present, not preoccupied. I want to be conscientious, not conceited. I want to be driven, not distracted. I want to be loving, not lazy. I'd rather live a life that is meaningful. 
Rather than getting validation through posting a seemingly "effortless selfie" (that in reality took approximately ten years to get the right angle for haha) and then living for those hundred likes, I'd rather do things because I love Christ and want to do His will. I'm ready to test my faith and experiment on His word. I want to know for myself that the gospel is true. I want to learn to be in the world (the real world) and not of the world. I'm choosing to delete my social media apps and only check them on Saturdays for a couple of hours. This is just a baby step for now, but at least it's somewhere.
 I was really inspired by this talk by Elder Bednar that my Dad had me read. It's really worth looking at when you have the chance (and chances are, you were scrolling through social media when you came upon this so, might as well give it a shot ;) )


  1. Casia, I love and adore you! This is a beautiful post with important and timely messages in it. Just like many things in this world, social media can be used for so much good but can also be so distracting or even damaging. Good for you for thinking through these issues and choosing to take steps to build your foundation, value, and identity even more securely on Christ. Way to spread the light!

    Sister Edwards

    1. Thanks for the love and support Sis. Edwards! Love you! Thanks for being such a light in my life!

  2. You're going places Cassia. Your messages are rockin' the boat of mediocrity and conformity. The world needs more inspired folks charging the cause of dependence on God and independence of the Godless. Thanks for inspiring my morning. :)
    Marshyl (Luke, Kaiden, Nic's Dadio)

    1. Thanks so much Marshyl! Means a lot :)

    2. Amen to the article and the comments above! Love you! Keep writing and keep sharing.

  3. Wow! I love what you said there at the end, "I'd rather do things because I love Christ and want to do His will." I will often times be somewhere that is outstandingly beautiful and not enjoy it as I should because I am worried about taking a SUPER good picture that I could show others. When we were in San Fran this past spring I realized that I wasn't wanting to "show others" for the right reasons (plus I never show anyone any pictures;P). I realized that God was looking down at me and was enjoying that beautiful picture of me by the ocean, and that is what mattered.

    I love your thoughts! They are beautiful just like you!
