Sunday, June 12, 2016

What Worlds Are Made Of

I'm just one little person in a not so little world. 
I want to make a difference, but there's much I've yet to learn. 

There are billions of people, all across the earth. 
What part do I play in it all? Must I prove my worth? 

All these different lives, each a story of their own.
Separate, yet so close. The same and yet unknown. 

The universe is grand, expanding with no end. 
It's hard for me to fathom, strange to comprehend. 

Even though we may feel small in this infinite expanse, 
We can change each other's worlds, we can take a chance.

Take each chance to show your love, for that is the stuff, 
That changes worlds and it is what all worlds are made of. 


  1. Beautiful pictures! Did you take them all? (Except the last one, of course :)!) Wonderful thoughts, my dear young friend. Be yourself, your beautiful self. You will find what you need through that inner peace of being your unique you. Love you and that family so much...

  2. (p.s. I like your new blog background and format. Sigh. Love the ocean.)

  3. Yes, I took most of them :) Thank you!
    Love and miss you all! ❤️
