The Wanderer
Everywhere a different face.
There's always somewhere else to go,
Always something else to waste.
Waves, they toss me back and forth.
Holding me back from the shore.
I fear a time that soon may come
When I just can't take anymore.
It wasn't easy leaving home.
Duty, dreams caused me to roam.
The steady ground I thought I had,
Ended up as wind-blown sand.
Across the sea, beyond the skies,
There is a place with no goodbyes.
As Wanderer, someday I'll find
That place, and leave my past behind.
Each day I try to find my way,
But seem to drift farther away.
Watching softly as the starlit night
Breaks into another unknown day.
Sitting upon the dock, I gaze,
Seeing the far horizon's haze.
What if it never turns to land.
What if it always stays the same?
But in the night, a silent voice
Whispered to my heart, a choice.
I felt in the the ocean spray
It washed me clean and seemed to say
"That place you're always searching for
Is not so distant anymore.
Don't sail too far, live now instead."
"I still don't understand." I said.
"I'm afraid of the unknown
I fear being so alone,
So lost that not even the stars
Will light the way to bring me home."
"Trust in the stars, trust in the sea
And do you best to follow me."
The voice replied with greatest calm.
It was then that I began to see.
That place that I was searching for
I had already in my core
Inside my faith, inside my soul
It was my choice to become whole.
As Wanderer, I understand
I have found my distant land
A place where there are no goodbyes
Only beginnings and new skies.